Saturday, 30 July 2016

Playdough recipe

Hey guys,

I hope you're ok with the change in schedule for these posts, it will only be whilst I'm on holiday (which I am currently in the car on the way, woo!). There will be posts up on the 4th, 8th and 13th, after this one. I get back on the 13th and then there will be a post up on the 15th and the normal schedule will resume. I hope you like the posts that will be going up, I was going to try and post every 3 days, but that was just too much for me to do in such a short space of time. I will be scheduling them this week to go up on the dates above, which may mean that there won't be any tweets about them when they actually go up, I will try to, but I haven't yet figured out how to get the links to posts before I actually post them. I think I will probably end up just putting a link to the home page where you can find the post. Anyway, let's move onto the actual post now...

When I was younger I absolutely loved playing with playdough (like most kids out there I guess)! My favourite thing was to make 'food' from it and run my own little restaurant. I would even make little menus for my family and take their order! I have so many photos of me playing with it, and creating little people. The only problem I had was that I used to forget to put it away a lot so it would end up going hard pretty quickly, and I just used to end up with a brown blob after a couple of times playing. My mum decided she was going to start making her own, to save having to try and buy it all the time for me, it meant I could play with it any time, rather than just whenever we managed to find somewhere that sold it.

I think she just did a google search for it, but it may have come from a specific book or something. I'm not 100% sure as it kind of surfaced around 11, maybe 12 years ago, and I can't remember that far back.

I know the measurements are in cups, so if you're not used to working in cups, then when measuring out all the ingredients, make sure the cup you use is the same for all of them, so this will ensure that they are all in proportion to each other. you will need: 2 cups of plain flour, 1 cup of salt, 2 cups of water, 2 tablespoons of sunflower oil and 2 teaspoons of cream of tartar (this is optional, it just helps with the elasticity of the dough). You can also add a few drops of whatever food colouring you want, or separate the batch after it has formed dough and create different colours.

When my mum was making it, she would mix the salt and water in a pan over a low heat, then add the cream of tartar, food colouring and sunflower oil and mixing it all together before  adding the flour. I think this just made it easier to mix together before  it became a ball of dough (this should only take a couple of minutes). She would then wrap it in clingfilm and leave it in the fridge for a few hours to make sure it was cool enough to play with. If we were being particularly impatient she would put it into the freezer to cool it down quicker. However, you do have to be careful not to let it freeze or else you will have to wait for it to thaw out again.

This recipe might come in handy if you have kids yourself, and need to try and keep them entertained during the summer holidays, or if you just really want some playdough to play with but don't want to buy some. Just remember, it isn't edible, so keep it away from pets and ensure children don't eat it as the large amounts of salt may cause imbalances in the body.

I hope you all have fun if you try this out!

Love you all 

Monday, 25 July 2016

DIY enamel dots

Hey guys,

As a quick warning, this DIY didn't really work all that well, so I wouldn't get your hopes up for seeing perfect little dots that can be used for delicate things. They kind of look like little slightly-coloured splodges...

I saw this idea on Pinterest, and I thought, 'yes, I can do that with my glue gun' (I actually can't, and I burnt myself a few times). I have since done a little more research into it, and the ones I saw were actually melted beads. Pinterest: 1, Megan: 0... However, I thought you might like to see my attempt!

I was using my glue gun for them, but you definitely need to make sure it is very very hot so the glue forms a dot, rather than something that resembles a Hershey's kiss (If you don't know what that is, its a little teardrop shaped chocolate with a flat base). I was gluing them to the back of an old notebook I have (yet another mistake!) which turned out to be a really bad idea, because I couldn't get them off very easily. I had to try and pry them off with my nail and ended up breaking some of them in half. Oops!

The ones I did manage to get off were ok I guess, they were quite cool little blobs. I painted them with a coat of acrylic paint (not a good idea to do it after you take them off the sheet), which looked a little bit patchy in the end. By this point though, I was so done with the whole thing that I just gave up and have since decided that should I need any enamel dots in the future, I will be buying them, and not trying to make them with a glue gun. The only one that came out ok was the tiny red one on the far left of the row! I might keep that one, but the rest will be being relocated to the bin very shortly!

Don't you just love it when a DIY fails! (That was sarcasm, I don't actually love it)

I am going away on Saturday, so hopefully I will have written the posts for the next 2 weeks by then, I'm also hoping to post twice a week whilst I'm away, so stay tuned for some great ones! They will be scheduled, so there may or may not be any tweets about them, and I'm not 100% sure which days they will be up yet, so I'll let you all know closer to the time! I hope if you try to make enamel dots that they turn out a lot better than mine did!

Love you all 

Tuesday, 19 July 2016

Rock monsters

Hey guys,

Sorry this didn't go up yesterday! The paint I used took slightly longer than I wanted it to to dry.

I saw some rock monster photos on Pinterest a few weeks ago and I really loved the idea of them, so I decided to go out and find some random stones in my garden and put them to good use. I found 3 of various sizes so I could try out some different looks. I think they went pretty well actually.

Before I painted them, I had to wash the rocks slightly as 2 of them were covered in moss on one side from where they'd been in the garden quite a while. They were still pretty green, but I figured that since the paint I was going to use was acrylic, it would cover over it.


Depending on which paint I was using, some needed 2 or 3 coats, whilst others only really needed 1. I painted all of the rocks first, then drew out a few face ideas on a piece of paper so I could decide which ones I liked best. To draw on the faces I used black sharpie for the blue and red rocks but black acrylic paint for the purple, as the sharpie didn't really show up very well. White acrylic worked well to create the teeth, but I would suggest using a thin brush, as bigger ones are a lot harder to be precise with.

For the eyes I decided to use 2 different sizes of googly eyes. They look super cute stuck on (I could only find super glue, but I'm pretty sure any other type works just as well) and give them a cute yet fierce look.

I hope you enjoyed this post, I would love to see if you decide to make these, so feel free to tweet me (@_littleblog)! I hope you all have a lovely rest of the week, I hope it's not too hot or too cold for you all!

Love you all 

Monday, 11 July 2016

A lantern of joy


Back at the beginning of May, it was one of my friends' birthdays. She was the friend that I made this for all the way back in 2014, and since I try to make different and more personal presents for each of my friends, I had to try and top it.

I ended up looking for ages and trying to think of something to get her, but I just couldn't think of anything, until I saw this little lantern and knew I wanted to use it.

In the end I decided to fill it with different sweets that she likes, which happened to be chocolate raisins and m&ms, which actually created quite a good contrast of colours. Before I put the sweets in I filled the bottom with all different colours of confetti made from hole-punched paper. I think I had the whole 'festival vibe' thing going on, because the confetti reminded me of festivals and summer.

To create the little parcels I found some little zip-lock bags and filled them so they were fairly full, but not entirely full so I could fold the end over and selotape it down to keep them as sealed as possible. To then make them look slightly more pretty and 'present-like' I tied small different coloured strands of ribbon around them and then stacked them all into the lantern.

Just to add an extra little touch, I made some tiny washi tape bunting to go round the top and make it extra cute.

My favourite thing about this present is that she can eat all of the sweets, and still have a lantern for tea-lights and other things. I also gave her a little anklet as an extra little gift with it and so she had something else to actually unwrap.

I thought this was a cute little summer present idea, and it probably would have looked slightly better with it totally full, but I just couldn't figure out how to make it still look great, whilst being very full and without the glass panels breaking.

I hope this inspires you to have a go at making something cute for a friend or family member's birthday, or just as a little gift for someone! I will see you all again next week! 

I love you all!

Monday, 4 July 2016

26 facts about me

Hey guys,

I think that this time I'm back to starting up writing again! Woop woop! I'm really sorry for messing you all around, and I totally understand if you have decided to never read my blog again, but obviously, I would love for you to stay a little longer! ;)

The other day, I was wondering what to post about today, when I realised that, in 2 and a half years of blogging, I have never done a post where you get to know me a bit better. I realised that actually, people really like getting to know all about the person behind the web page and what goes on in their head, I know I do! So, here are 26 random, and sometimes weird, facts about myself that I think you'll like!

1. My full name is Megan Grace Randell, so when I was calling myself Grace, it wasn't a lie, I genuinely prefer that name, but now that I'm growing up a little, I feel like I really need to grow to love my first name. Also, if you do know me, feel free to say hi!

2. I am 17 and a half years old, so not quite an adult yet, I'm just kind of sitting in the middle at the moment.

3. My favourite colour is blue. I like it so much that at least one item of what I wear each day is usually a shade of, or has blue incorporated into it. For example, today I have a blue flowery skirt, blue t-shirt and blue tights!

4. I am secretly a total maths nerd! I'm even part of what we call the A* group at school where we talk about current events and applying to uni in form time, exciting or what...

5. My absolute favourite thing to do is read. I love that feeling where you fall head over heels into a book, and don't surface until you have turned over the last page.

6. I'm about to do the expedition for my silver Duke of Edinburgh award, which is so cool! Also so weird, because I started this blog for the skills section of my bronze, and look where we are now!

7. I have a weird fear of bridges... I'm kind of ok with driving over them, but I hate walking across ones like the millennium bridge in London! They just really freak me out!

8. Weirdly enough, my next fact is that I love swimming! Told you some of them were weird!

9. I am originally from Watford, a town in north London, but now live in a pretty small village in Buckinghamshire.

10. My favourite foods are: chocolate, pizza, pasta and Doritos! Although, not all at once!

11. I can drive, I passed my test on the 15th of April this year after learning for just over 4 months.

12. I really love creating families and houses on sims, but never seem to find the time to play it after I create things!

13. I like a guy at school, but doubt I will ever tell them!

14. I am really great at folding towels because it is what I do the majority of the time I'm at work!

15. Cats are definitely my favourite animal, but I think turtles are a close second! Cats are just lovely to cuddle and sometimes they sleep on you, which is just adorable!

16. I am currently wishing I had a block fringe again, but, alas, it is too hard to look after when doing DofE, so it'll just have too wait.

17. I never believe that people actually want to be talking to me, I always think that they just think I'm being super annoying, and so when they don't reply I don't tend to message them again for a while.

18. I like hugs, but again, going back to the previous fact, I don't hug many people!

19. I am a little (ok, maybe a lot) weird with some of the things I do and say, but it's better to be weird than be boring!

20. Drawing cartoon-y monsters is one of my procrastination methods... although my friends probably think I'm crazy!

21. When I was younger, I used to sleepwalk a lot. My mum would wake to to find me sat on the side of the bath with a load of random things piled up around me!

22. I decided this year that I want to go to uni after year 13 and study product design! Which is a total change from wanting to do medicine this time last year, when I chose my A-levels!

23. I really want to write a book when I'm slightly older, but can't decide whether to try children's books or adult's.

24. I have a board on Pinterest that is totally devoted to Harry Potter, because I absolutely LOVE the series! I'm even going back to the Leavesden studio tour in August (hopefully there will be a post about it!)

25. My favourite place to be is in a little village called Albareto in Northern Italy. It's nestled right up in the mountains and it such a beautiful rustic place!

I mean, how could I not love it! 

26. And finally... I really love to make people feel good. Whether it be complimenting them, or cheering them up when they're down, I just love seeing other people happy, it's part of what makes me happy!

I hope you have enjoyed finding out a bit more about me, and what I like to do. Well done if you managed to make it all the way to the bottom, you can have a virtual hug and a gold star for the effort, since it was a pretty long post!

I love you all!

Saturday, 2 July 2016

I'm back baby! Kinda...

So, you know  that feeling where you just have a total lack of motivation, and find you don't really want to do anything productive? Yeah, that. That's how I've been feeling the past few weeks, even though I took time away from writing to 'find my style' as it were.

There's a couple of things I'm going to do now, the first is that I'm going to change the day I post to Monday, it will just mix it up a little, but isn't too much of a change. The second thing is that for the next few weeks, my posts probably won't be massively long, just while I get back into the swing of it and get used to posting and writing on a regular basis again.

The first post will be this Monday, the 4th, and I will try to get it up at 7pm UK time, so that it goes up just after the #TheGirlGang twitter chat.

I'm sorry it's been so long, and that I'm still kind of failing with the posts...

Love, Megan xx