Saturday, 23 August 2014

10 Completely Random and Probably Useless Facts

Hey there!

I got back from Wales (there's going to be a post about one of the places I visited soon) today so I needed a short-ish post that I could prepare before, I decided to write about something a bit random so I figured that writing about some of the useless facts I have collected over a few months would fit the bill. This was a slightly out there idea but I want my blog to be quite light-hearted and not really have a specific label for the content. 

1. The plastic on the end of a shoelace is called an aglet.

This is probably a very useless fact but, let's face it, the aglet is a pretty good invention.

2. Stressed spelt backwards is desserts.

Again, this is useless but it shows that even (some) words associated with something bad can be linked with something good.

3. The sentence 'the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog' contains all of the letters of the alphabet.

This one is probably known by quite a few people because I can remember being told it at school but I thought this picture was just too cute to not put in this!

4. Fax machines were invented before telephones.

5. 111'111 X 111'111 = 12'345'678'987'654'321 
This one I actually find quite cool because it almost doesn't look possible but it actually is.

6. The elephant is the only mammal that can't jump.

7. Duck quacks don't echo.

No-one actually knows why this is true but it is quite cool!

8. Spiders don't like peppermint oil.

This one, I think is good for people who don't like spiders because if you put it in a bottle and spray it on door frames and window panes then the spiders won't come near your house! Or better yet, spray it on yourself and they will just avoid you! ;)  

9.  This one is my personal favourite! A Unau is a two toed sloth.

I actually discovered this word during a game of scrabble when I had difficult letters and I was searching through a dictionary for a word to use! (I still lost!)

10. You don't find cheese on the moon. This one is definitely a joke, my brother came up with it and i decided to use it for a light-hearted fact! 

I hope you enjoyed this slightly unusual post and it hasn't made you lose faith in my writing ability! Anyway, have a good week!

Until next time

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