Sunday, 21 December 2014

Thumb Print Fairy Light Cards

Hey guys,

This idea may seen a little strange but when I saw a picture on Pinterest I knew I had to try it and share it with you guys! I think these cards are really cool for Christmas and are not something that you see everyday. It doesn't even have to be a card, you could frame the picture and use it as a keepsake for a child's fingerprints or just as a festive decoration. You can use as many different colours as you like but since I only had a few acrylic paints I was limited to the colours I had. Acrylic paint is probably not the kind of paint that was intended for this craft so poster paint or any other paints may be better for it.

For this card you will need: some paints in different colours, card, a black felt tip pen or marker, a paintbrush and possibly a mixing pot to make it easier to put the paint on your fingers. You don't have to use your hands for this project, you can use a sponge, Q-tip or even cut a potato into the shape and use it as a stamp.

First you will have to fold the card in half and turn it so it is landscape. This will be the card base.

Now comes the fun bit! You get to paint your thumb or fingers (or whatever other method you decided to use) and then put them onto the card to create the 'bulbs'. Create the 'bulbs' through the middle of the card at different angles but not so far apart that you can't join them up afterwards. You can add as many lights as you like, the more the merrier! It is probably best to leave the card to dry for an hour or two before using the pen as you may not get the best results if the paint is still wet or tacky.

Once the paint is dry, you can use the black pen to add in the light fittings and the wire that joins them up. This is completely down to you to decide how it will look but remember to join up all of the lights otherwise they will appear to be floating! 

I also added 'Merry Christmas' at the bottom for an extra festive touch but you could write or draw anything you like.

Have a lovely day guys!

Until next time

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