Friday, 17 April 2015

Liebster Award Tag

Hey guys!

So I figured that while I'm on my last DofE weekend *sad sniff* you should have something cool to read. 
About a month and a half ago I was nominated to do the Liebster award tag. It was created to help promote new bloggers and I think it's an awesome idea! The person who nominates you sets you 11 questions to answer. You give them appreciation/credit in the post and then nominate up to 11 other bloggers who have less than 200 followers and set them 11 questions of your own. Don't forget to let them know they've been nominated though! (As I almost did!)

I would like to thank Abby at Be Bold for the nomination! Her blog is so awesome and you should really check it out! I love it! . Her Twitter is @bebold01.

These were the 11 questions she set for me:

1. One place you want to visit?
The other day I was casually surfing the internet and I found a picture of Glass Beach in California. It's now one of the top places I want to visit!

(Photo from:

2. Favourite drugstore makeup brand?
I don't think I really have a particular favourite but if I did I think it would be Make Up Academy (MUA)!

3. Your 'go to' 'quick and easy' meal?
Probably cheese and ham pasta! It's as plain as it sounds but nice when you just want something simple, either that or cheesy beans on toast. Cheese seems to be a recurring factor here...

4. One fashion 'no-go'?
For me, probably tight dresses or leggings, they really don't suit me! Haha!

5. Favourite music artist?
At the moment, probably Ed Sheeran! I really love 'X', it's my favourite album and has some really lovely songs.

6. If you could only use one make up product, what would it be?
I think it would probably be mascara because it's good for highlighting your eyes and if I don't use things like foundation, my face becomes clearer and I end up using less anyway.

7. Favourite trait about yourself?
I think probably that I'm quite creative, I like to try making anything I see and even if it fails, I like to try! 

8. Favourite book to read?
Definitely any of the Harry Potter books! I just love them all, but if I had to pick just one, it would probably be the Deathly Hallows! I can't even describe my love for them! (As you may or may not guess, I'm a bit of a book-a-holic!)

9. Favourite 'old-school' song?
This one's pretty easy for me actually! I love 'Tell Her About It' by Billy Joel! I'm not sure if it counts as 'old school' but I like it!

10. Tea or coffee?
Neither actually! I've never really liked tea or coffee but I'd choose hot chocolate instead usually.

11. Your dream?
My ultimate dream is to travel around the world and then go to Uni to study and become a helicopter paramedic! I've always wanted to work in medicine but also see the world!

Now for my nominations! Have fun answering my questions guys!

1. Favourite pastime?
2. Best childhood memory?
3. Do/did you have any secret hideaways?
4. What did you want to be when you were younger compared to now?
5. Fizzy drinks or milkshakes?
6. Favourite colour combo to wear?
7. If you were a superhero, what power would you choose?
8. Favourite film?
9. Least favourite food?
10. Sweets or Chocolate?
11. If you could be an animal, what would you choose?

This was so much fun to write! There should definitely be more tags like this!

Until next time

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