Saturday, 21 November 2015

Soulmates - Review

Hey guys!

I'm so sorry for not posting last weekend; it was a busy couple of days! The post I was going to do is going to take a little more time than I originally planned, so I figured a review was a good plan.

"Every so often two people are born who are the perfect match for one another. Soulmates. But what if meeting your soulmate is earth-shattering - literally? An epic, electrifying debut about falling in love"

One of my friends lent me this book, we tend to lend each other books and films (or TV series' like Supernatural) that we think the other would like. Well, it's mostly her lending me things but you catch my drift. She said when she gave it to me that it was one to evoke emotions, so I was warned, but definitely not  prepared! 'Soulmates' by Holly Bourne has probably jumped to somewhere near the top of my list of favourite books. It doesn't quite beat the Harry Potter series or 'Finding Sky' by Joss Stirling, but it's definitely a contender! The book is beautifully written and the development of both the story-line and the characters was amazing! You really feel like you are bonding with the characters, the sarcastic protagonist, Poppy; the gorgeous Noah. You even feel like you know Poppy's Mum!

The emotions in the story are kind of like being on a rollercoaster, and when you get off you either feel pumped or like you need to lay down for a bit! I think the descriptions really add to this, they go into depth but not so much that you feel it is too descriptive and OTT. There were quite a few unexpected scenarios but you feel like you're there with the characters, seeing what they see and feeling whatever they feel. I was so drawn in that I never wanted it to end but it did *sad face* and I was just left sitting there at the table in the staff room at work, with a half eaten sandwich, thinking about life...

It may sound cheesy, but I really love it when a book draws you in so much that you feel like you have fallen in love with it. Yeah, that does sound cheesy... I think that's enough geeky-ness for today!

I hope you guys all have a wonderful! But if you're having a bad time, just remember that it wont always be so bad. We all have those times but remember, there are people out there who love you, they just might not show or tell you outright. It'll all be ok.

Love, Grace x

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