Thursday, 31 December 2015

Love, Grace

Hey guys,

Tomorrow it will be two thousand and sixteen. Doesn't that sound totally wrong? It only seems like yesterday that everyone was freaking out that it was going to be 2015! I feel like this time, I don't really care as much as I have before. To end this year, I thought I would do something a little different. I thought I would write a letter. Well, to be more precise, multiple short letters to people I know, to say thank you and let them know how much they mean to me. It's also made up of things I should have said this year, but didn't.

To my family,
I'm very aware that I don't say it nearly enough, but I love you all. You have taught me that I need to really do what I love most in life and not just settle for what I think people would want me to do.

To my little brother,
You may not be quite so little anymore and you may be incredibly annoying sometimes. You're the best brother in the world and the best friend I have ever had.

To my friends,
Thank you for (mostly) being there and for making my birthday lovely. I  Forget the guys who made you feel worthless, they suck, and you're irreplaceable to everyone else. Date someone who is actually nice to you or just stay single for a while. Just please, I can't stand all the arguing anymore.

To the friend who showed me Biscat,
I don't know if you'll even see this, I showed you the post about the painted plant pot quickly a few weeks ago. Thank you. Thanks for accepting me and my (slightly) weird sense of humour and not calling me a freak. Also, thanks for being so patient while I ask thousands of stupid questions about DT all the time!

(This is Biscat)

And finally. To all the bloggers I speak to and all those in the #GirlGang,
You're all such lovely people with amazing blogs. I'm so happy to have been accepted into the blogging circle and get to talk to you all. 

This year has really been a fantastic one for me, and this blog. We've gained so many new readers, friends and followers throughout the year! I look forward to 2016 being full of friends and happiness. I hope you all have a lovely New Year! 

Love, Grace x

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