Saturday, 20 February 2016

Friendship issues


I thought I would do something a little from now on, and start each post with hello in a different language each week. I also was wondering about making it a little challenge each week. I tweeted it over at @_littleblog so would love it if you would vote to let me know what to do. The other different thing I was doing differently is this post is going to be a chattier one dealing with some issues I've been having recently.

I thought I would do a post about it because I am 99% sure that almost every one of you reading this has experienced it, or will experience it at some point in your life. (If you don't, then I would really love to know your secret!) The issue is friendships.

I am an incredibly lucky girl because I have a lot of really amazing friends, and they're all lovely people (when they want to be). However, they do have a habit of arguing non-stop for a long time and yes, sometimes I'm a part of it, most of the time I am just on the sidelines and have to deal with most of the flack.

They will argue about silly little things, like someone said something bad about someone else, so they say something bad about the first person behind their back, rather than confronting them. Don't get me wrong, I'm not all-good, I do say bad things about people, but I also like to tell them when I don't like something they're doing. (Although, sometimes I'm too scared to, I'm scared to create an even bigger issue).

I just wanted to let you know that it's ok to step away. Whether you're the one arguing, or you're just in the background, it's ok. Sometimes I feel like I just need a break (usually at the end of term, so that's all good!) Even if you are in the middle of a shouting match, you can just walk away. It's definitely what I used to do, and it will probably show who your real friends are. Obviously don't be really rude and just blank them if you're having a conversation, say 'I need to step away for a minute to calm down', just to avoid any big issues.

I hope you all have a lovely week and don't have to deal with many issues. There will probably be a small post this week about what I am planning to start with the greetings in different languages.

Love, Grace x

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