Friday, 31 October 2014

Mummy Rolls

Hey guys,

No, this post isn't a recipe for a mummy in a roll! It is actually for another decoration! This post was going to be about carving pumpkins but we didn't buy any, so this was the next best thing (sort of!).

You will need:
Toilet roll or Kitchen roll (paper towel)

An empty toilet roll tube

A black pen

Coloured pens for details


First up, you need to tear a strip of toilet roll off of the main roll. It needs to be a fair amount but not too much, I used 4 squares and it was perfect but you can use more or less depending on what you want your mummy to look like.

Next, tear the bigger strip into as many thin strips (length-ways) as you can. the more jagged and uneven, the better!

These strips are going to become the bandages so you can scrunch them up and add some more texture if you like! Now you need to put glue on one end, stick it onto the toilet roll and wrap the strip around, as many times as you can! It doesn't have to be particularly neat at this point!

You will need to repeat the last step for all of the strips you have until you are satisfied that your toilet roll looks like a creepy mummy!

Then, add some eyes (maybe with red pupils) and a mouth to finish off your mummy roll and make it look even more spook-tacular!

I hope you all liked this post and have liked having a post every day this week! I'm thinking of doing something similar around Christmas but we'll have to wait and see!

Happy Halloween!

Until next time

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